
Kijken in het Buitenland? Lees hier hoe!
DD Electronics offers a specific
equipment for the reception of DUTCH TV channels in France,
Spain etc. It gives access to the NPO public
television and many others including multiple radio

We can propose both "no dish" Internet TV reception and
satellite TV. To receive the dutch NPO channels without
dish you must have decent internet connection. At least 3
Mb/sec in download is advised and you can measure your speed
here. HOW DOES IT WORK? Dutch
internet TV is available for dutch residents travelling or
being out of country. This service is aimed at dutch
owning a holiday home somewhere in the EU. geo-restricted
services such as NPO Start and similar are now authorised to
work out of region.
From 1 April there are rules that allow you to look at
series, films and TV programs from 'home' in EU countries.
These are services such as Netflix and Videoland, but also
live TV programs that you can watch online via your
Previously, TV apps blocked the display of live TV abroad.
The new EU rules force suppliers to treat customers equally,
regardless of the EU country they are in.
The rules do not apply to free services.
With which TV providers can you watch live TV?
KPN and Ziggo - the two largest providers - say that their
TV apps can be used outside the Netherlands from April 2018,
within the EU.
indicates without restrictions.
KPN reports that TV programs may not show all TV programs
due to rights issues.
This also applies to the apps from Telfort and XS4All.
CanalDigitaal has indicated that you should be able to watch
online TV programs outside the Netherlands in the EU without
any problems.
Caiway, Delta, Online.nl, and T-Mobile have also promised
Watching TV online at Tele2 is only possible in and around
your own home in the Netherlands.
The paid offer of NPO (Start Plus) will be on show in the EU
from this spring (with the exception of the live programs).
The programs of NPO, SBS and RTL can be viewed via NLziet,
from 1 April also in EU countries.
Through the free NPO Start you can not view many programs
This is possible via BVN, see below.
What we propose is an HD TV
receiver which
conects straight to your big TV screen via an HDMI cable.
Available is NPO Start but also Ziggo & KPN and of course all the catchup TV and
replay functions the TV websites can offer these days. This
is the easy solution, everything is pre-configured for
immediate viewing.
are possible - cable, wifi or liveplugs:

If you don't have internet or you are traveling &
caravanning you better choose satellite reception. The dish
size anywhere in France ( and Spain ) is of 70 cm. We can
supply the HD decoder and viewing card. If this is what you
need ask for details and prices
All equipment is in stock,
immediate delivery anywhere in France or Europe.
